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Chapter Replenishment Grants

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Alumni Chapter Replenishment Grants are the scholarship program for BYU Alumni chapters. Replenishment grants are funded by chapters in the spirit of giving back. They carry with them an invitation to replenish the funds so that tohers may benefit from assistance in the future. This can be done by replenishing the fund directly, serving in your local chpaters, or in other ways.

Chapter Raise Award Funds

  • Funds can be raised in a variety of ways, including direct solicitations and ticket sales to events or other activities sponsored by the chapter.
  • Funds generated from activities for the replenishment grant fund are to be sent to the alumni staff coordinator for deposit in that chapter’s account.
  • Direct donations are to be made through LDS Philanthropies. The best way to do this is from the chapter’s Web page or at
  • Each chapter should establish a coordinator of chapter replenishment grants. This person will oversee the chapters’ replenishment grant program.
  • A committee should be formed by the coordinator to oversee the awarding of the replenishment grants according to the guidelines listed below.
  • Creating an Endowment
    • If your chapter is interested, you can create an endowment for your chapter. To do this, you need to raise $75,000. Once you have raised the funds, we will create an endowment. It will take two years before you see a return and you should be able to give out one half tuition Replenishment Grant every year. For chapters that have an endowment, you can add funds to the principle.

Students Apply for Replenishment Grants

  • Students who desire to be considered must submit an application.
  • Online applications follow this process:
    • Go to, or log in to myBYU, and under “School” click on “Scholarship Application.”
    • Select the semesters you will be attending next year. Complete the Personal Information, Essays, and the Financial Need sections.
    • Indicate that you want to be considered for an Alumni Replenishment Grant, choose the chapter you belong to, complete both essays, and submit the application.
  • Chapters can accept applications directly. Chapters should create such applications in consultation with the alumni office.
  • Replenishment Grants for BYU-Hawaii, BYU-Idaho, and Ensign College
    • Your chapter can choose to give out Replenishment Grants to other BYU institutions. You must solicit the applications from the students in your area. You can do this via your Wards and Stakes, and word of mouth. You can send the names to by May 15th for the next fall semester. BYU Alumni will work with the above institutions to give out the awards.
  • Here are the application questions:
    • What doe BYU mean to you?
    • Explain your educational and professional goals
    • Explain your involvement in extra-curricular and service-related activities
    • BYU Alumni Replenishment Grant funds come from numerous donations of alumni living in your area. Tell us what your financial challenges are and how you are working to overcome them
    • When you become a BYU Alum, how will you replenish the spirit of BYU and honor the gift—the BYU Alumni Replenishment Grant—that you have received?

BYU Scholarship Policies

  • Must abide by the Honor Code, including the dress and grooming standards.
  • Unless specified, the scholarship is for two semesters.
  • Students register as full-time students and complete a minimum of 28 credit hours (14 per semester) during the two semesters of the award.
  • To be considered for grants: New students must apply each year by the December application deadline; continuing student application deadline is February 1st.
  • Awards are available to undergraduates with fewer than 160 credit hours.

Selecting the Grant Recipient

After BYU has received and processed all application materials, the scholarship office forwards them to the alumni office which then forwards them to the chapters. This will happen in April each year.

  • The Chapter Replenishment Grant Committee selects recipients
    • Chapters establish their own voting procedures.
    • Five voters are strongly recommended; at least three voters are required. Under no circumstances may chapter chairs be the only people to select award recipients and no one can sit on the committee if they have a relation that is an applicant.
  • Applicants must meet the following requirements to qualify for an award:
    • Reside in the boundaries of the chapter giving the award
    • Have a minimum 3.0 GPA
    • Be Admitted to BYU
    • Show financial need
    • Meet qualifications of the scholarship office
  • Additional selection considerations should include:
    • Year in school (preference should be given to juniors and seniors)
    • Academic merit
    • Leadership and service
  • Chapters will forward their selection to the alumni office before May 10 of each year notifying BYU Alumni of the recipient selections, the amount of each award, and the specific semesters of the awards. The grants are posted by BYU Alumni. No grants received after this date will be posted for the coming year.

Approving and Notifying the Recipient

  • Final approval for grant awards rests with the scholarship office. They may deny a grant if the eligibility status of the recipient has changed or the recipient’s academic standing no longer meets the requirements of the BYU Scholarship Policy.
  • The scholarship office also may discuss a selection with the alumni office and the chapter; if a student’s financial need circumstances have changed.
  • BYU Alumni sends a notification to the grant recipients through the university’s AIM system by May 15th.
  • After receiving notification of the final approval, alumni chapters are encouraged to send their own letters of congratulation to the recipients and make a public presentation of the grant.

Repaying the Grant and Replenishing the Fund

  • Repayment is made by the recipient making donations to the chapter through LDS Philanthropies. There is a link for that on the individual chapters' web pages, or by going to
  • Such donations are kept in the chapter’s account until they are reused.

Replenishment Grant Frequently Asked Questions

How can a chapter determine if they can accept scholarship applications online?

To determine if a chapter can accept applications online, applicants can visit the scholarship application and proceed through the application process. When they reach the "Alumni" section, they should check the drop-down list of chapters accepting applications online. This list is updated every summer.

How can a chapter find out the balance of their Replenishment Grant accounts at BYU?

Chapter leaders can contact the Director of Chapters and Grants, Kellie Daniels, or the Alumni Controller, Jason Brown, via email or phone.

What information does a chapter need to provide to the Alumni Office to award a replenishment grant to a student?

Chapter leaders should send an email with the following information to the Alumni Office:

  1. The full name of the student
  2. The student's ID number
  3. The amount of each award
  4. The semester each award is to be given

Which chapter should a student replenish - the chapter that gave the grant or the chapter where they currently reside?

All donations to BYU will count toward a student's replenishment commitment. Although grant recipients are encouraged to replenish the chapter that awarded them the grant, they are free to donate to any chapter they choose.