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Channeling Success

Former BYU swim team captain swam across the bitter cold water of the English Channel.

In the dead of an August night, Kurt F. Dickson (BS ’89) stood alone on the beach in Samphire Hoe, England, wearing just a Speedo and a BYU swim cap. As a spotlight from a boat offshore illuminated his body, Dickson raised his arm, and a horn blared in return. On that cue the 50-year-old former BYU swim team captain plunged into the bitter cold water to start his journey across the English Channel.

“It was dark, cold, and hard to get oriented,” he recalls. “I kept kind of swimming back and forth towards the boat. The first four hours I really wanted to get out. It was tough.”

Read Dickson's full story at BYU Magazine.

Full Name: Kurt F. Dickson
Grad Year: BS 1989
College: Life Sciences
Major: Zoology
Post date: February 21, 2018
Author: Braden Taylor