Lecture/Bio Information Skip to main content

Lecture/Bio Information

Lecture/Bio Information Form
Please complete this form and submit any additional materials including curriculum vitae/resume by July 23, 2022.

Biographical information & Lecture title: Your responses to this form will be used as a reference for our writers as they prepare bios and stories. They may contact you for additional details or clarifications. See the “Important Information” tab for lecture details. Please keep your lecture titles to 35 characters or less.

Headshot: Provide a digital color 8 x 10 or larger professional headshot of you in business attire. The photo must be a jpeg file at least 300 pixels per inch. If you need an updated professional photo and will be in Provo, you are welcome to have one taken by our university photographer, free of charge. Please call BYU Photo at (801) 422-7322 as soon as possible for an appointment. Please review this Portrait Style Guide.